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Pregnancy Vitamins: How Can You Grab From Nutrition Food

nutrients Nutrition Pregnant's Women

Pregnancy Vitamins: How Can You Grab From Nutrition Food

In the market, you may hear a lot about pregnant women’s health care products or supplements. But depending on this product is not enough for you as a pregnant woman. Because as a pregnant woman, the daily diet and lifestyle is also very important. The baby is a key nutrient absorbed during pregnancy. Choosing the right diet can affect a baby’s healthy growth. Additionally, we encourage pregnant women to incorporate natural nutrients in their diet rather than overall relying on supplements or women’s health care products.

When it comes to eating healthily on a daily basis, you must know that there must be a difference between a non-pregnant woman and a pregnant woman. Pregnant women typically consume more protein, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamins, and folic acid than non-pregnant women. On the other hand, even if you are pregnant with twins and triplets, your nutritional needs are magnified because the presence of multiple fetuses causes your nutritional reserves to deplete rapidly. But you don’t have to mean eating double or a lot more than you normally did before . You just only eat the right amount of nutritious food. As a pregnant woman, if you have gestational diabetes, you must pay more attention to your diet than is generally recommended for pregnant women. The below information is our tip to you.


Protein sources include meat, beans, fish, egg, nuts, and so on. Two servings of fish containing omega-3 fats are recommended to reduce premature and low-birth-weight babies. Doctors recommend that omega-3 fats support brain and eye development during pregnancy and after birth. Avoid fish high in mercury, which can damage the baby’s brain, nervous system, vision and motor skills. Be sure to check for mercury before eating large fish that are high in mercury. More importantly, you need to make sure all the meat and fish are cooked to prevent listeriotic.


Dairy products including milk, yoghurt, and cheese are the most important sources of calcium. Calcium is found in green vegetables (broccoli and spinach), seafood, dried peas and beans. It is recommended that you consume 1000 mg of calcium per day to help your baby’s bone and muscle development.

Avoid unpasteurized cheese that may contain Listeria. Listeria can enter the placenta and cause infection or blood poisoning in unborn babies. And also, eating more green leafy vegetables, you can obtain a lot of calcium to improve yours & prevent constipation and digestion.

Folic Acid

Folic acid, also called folic acid in supplements. It is an essential vitamin and you should take 400 micrograms a day during pregnancy and before pregnancy recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps form the neural tube and prevents most birth defects, involving neural tube defects. You can find folic acid in different types of foods which include legumes, nuts, eggs, leafy greens, asparagus, avocados and more.


Iron is an important role in providing enough oxygen for you and your baby. According to ACOG, you need 27 milligrams of iron a day, you need to absorb twice as much as a woman who is not pregnant. Eating oats and lean meat are rich in iron which can help to develop a baby’s red blood cell supply and create a brain development. What’s more, getting enough iron prevents anemia, which can cause fatigue and increase the risk of infection during pregnancy.

Obviously, eating healthy doesn’t mean you need to give up the foods you used to like. You can start eating a different kind of food to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients your baby needs. Please pay attention to your weight control during pregnancy, do not be too overweight or cause obstructed labor.

Pregnancy Vitamins: How Can You Grab From Nutrition Food